Friday, December 11, 2009
Earlsthorpe Mews 'Live In It' Campaign
The “Live In It” campaign has been set up by residents from Earlsthorpe Mews who are concerned with the appalling state of Sydenham Mews (the name for both Queensthorpe & Earlsthorpe Mews), the alleyway that runs parallel to Sydenham Road behind the shops. “Mews” is a rather grand name for what is an unlit, largely unpaved, rubbish-strewn alley. The root cause of all the problems associated with the mews is that it is unregistered land (the Land Registry has no details of ownership) and the council refuses to “adopt” it. Therefore the alley is left to its fate and has become a sanctuary for fly-tippers, drug-takers, drunks, burglars and vermin. As Sydenham Mews is within the Thorpes CA, and with the proposed enhancements to the High Street, the “Live In It” campaign hopes that all stakeholders (residents of Earlsthorpe & Queensthorpe Roads and residents and traders of Sydenham Mews) will get involved in our campaign. Please visit: www.sydenhammews.blog.com for further information.